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Native American Ambassador for Google Women Techmakers

It's a good day to be Indigenous!


Today, I received this email from Google.

This is a Big Step for Native American / Indigenous Representation in Technology & Google Women Techmakers

If you search for, "Native American" or, "Indigenous" and "Google Women Techmakers" - you will see a very small number of results, which can be most adequately expressed through the lack of images below. A sample of links that go to various sources including the mention of less than 8 Natives who are employed at Google with years going back to 2017. This is a very small number of people.

To be accepted as an Ambassador in Google Women Techmakers is fantastic but... it's even more incredible than the surface achievement.


To my knowledge based on my research, I am the FIRST Native American Woman to be accepted as an Ambassador for Google Women Techmakers! I am beyond grateful to represent for our future and all Native children who love STEM!!


When I first began sharing and teaching my Native language of Lakota online in 1994/1995, I wanted to be a role model to my younger tiospaye (extended relatives) - to connect with them through culture and technology. And... today, this feels epic.


Beyond volunteering mentorship and tech leadership, take a look at the diversity reports for Google employment regarding ethnicity for the last 3 years and the less than 1% representing Native American and Indigenous engineers and staff.

After viewing the past Diversity data from Google and the 1% or less of Native Americans, tell ME👏🏼 THIS👏🏼 IS👏🏼 NOT👏🏼 AMAZING.


Today, this feels like 20-something years of progress.


It is a GOOD day to be Indigenous!


#Representation #NativesinSTEM #indigenousleadership #indigenous #nativeamerican #google #womentechmakers #wtmambassador #wtm

TNW Creations™️and Brand Tawaci Media™️is a Web Development & Media Publishing Agency headquartered in Austin, Texas. Web Development, cybersecurity, design, clean energy web host, digital marketing.

I am a software engineer, artist and voice actress. As a child, I became part of the grassroots development for teaching my Lakhota language online. When I'm not developing and creating, you'll find me motivating a community of Indie Game Developers, play testing new games on Twitch and YouTube, developing video content, voice acting for games, acting as cultural consultant for Native vibe games, investigating and initating hostile website takedowns, and enjoying time with my family.