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Before you buy a domain...


Before you begin your new business venture (or expand your current one)... it's important to research your domain and online account names first. Why?

What could be worse than choosing a business name, getting your facebook set up and printing business cards only to discover the matching domain is already taken...

Sounds bad right? And this happens every day.

However, there are two situations a little bit worse than finding your domain, social accounts, handles or online presence already taken.



Discovering the domain you've just purchased is going to bring a lawsuit to your door is BAD.

But finding out you're the scourge of the internet takes the first two scenarios from, "oops, I messed up" to, "omg, I'm screwed."

That's right, I'm talking a spammy, scammy, bad quality domains with TONS of backlinks that tell the world your newly acquired domain is not reputable, safe or legit.

Basically, it's like you just purchased a drug dealer's house on the bad end of town, only you didn't know it. Now you've tried to start up a sweet shop but you've got nice families walking quickly past your house while covering their kid's eyes and making sure they avoid your home at all costs as the internet all but says you're the worst of the worst. And those results don't go away. EVER.


If it's on the internet, it stays on the internet.


And they don't diminish from search results for at least a year if not longer. It's going to be a losing battle. You might as well cut your losses, try and unload that bad location and start over.


Wow. That's bad... I'm so sorry.

So how can you make sure you don't stumble into any of these scenarios?

  1. First and foremost, run a DBA search and make sure your name is unique and not being used by others. Because that is not going to work out well for you otherwise.
  2. Run a search on Google, Bing and even Alexa - make sure the results you see are positive and not recommendations to avoid the domain at all costs. If you see another business using the name, STOP! Start over with another name idea. Don't pick a business name that is already in use by another business. Not just for the legal reasons but because you will struggle with search engine results. Nobody has time for that.
  3. Search social media accounts to see if the handle you want is available on every platform. But don't grab them yet, you're still researching.
  4. After you've researched the domain name you want and are certain there are no negative spammy, scammy or trademark issues (don't forget the story about that Mom who made cute little cloth diapers) - then you can purchase.
  5. Finally, go back and secure all social media links and online accounts you intend to use that are associated with your business name. Don't assume it will still be there in a week, or even a day. Do it the moment you decide on a name.
  6. Lastly, create your business cards and other promotional and marketing material.

TNW Creations™️and Brand Tawaci Media™️is a Web Development & Media Publishing Agency headquartered in Austin, Texas. Web Development, cybersecurity, design, clean energy web host, digital marketing.

I am a software engineer, artist and voice actress. As a child, I became part of the grassroots development for teaching my Lakhota language online. When I'm not developing and creating, you'll find me motivating a community of Indie Game Developers, play testing new games on Twitch and YouTube, developing video content, voice acting for games, acting as cultural consultant for Native vibe games, investigating and initating hostile website takedowns, and enjoying time with my family.